FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Please browse from the following list of FAQ items.
Topic: Importing / Exporting
Topic: General
• How do I concatenate multiple files into a single DataSet?
• How do I create a multivariate image from separate images?
• How do I export PCA scores and loadings to a text file (to read into MS Excel,
for example)?
• How do I import three-way data into Solo or PLS_Toolbox?
• Why can't I import a Horiba NGC file on my 64-bit computer?
• Why can't SPCREADR read multiple files I've selected?
• Why do some Excel files fail to import?
Topic: Command-Line
• Can I do PARALIND in PLS_Toolbox?
• Can I install PLS_Toolbox (or Solo) on more than one PC, such as on my desktop
and laptop computer?
• Can I use multiple class sets (categorical variables) together in a SIMCA,
PLSDA, or LDA model?
• Can you give me more information on the R-Squared statistic?
• Convergence of PARAFAC. How much variation between models is expected a
particular PARAFAC is fit multiple times with the same settings?
• Does the software stop working if my maintenance expires?
• How and where do I report a problem with PLS_Toolbox?
• How are RMSEC and RMSECV related to R2Y and Q2Y I see in other software?
• How are T-contributions calculated?
• How are the ROC curves calculated for PLSDA?
• How are the error bars calculated for a regression model and can they be related
to a confidence limit (confidence in the prediction)?
• How can I improve performance with PLS_Toolbox and Matlab on the Mac platform?
• How do I assign classes for samples in a DataSet?
• How do I build a classification model from a class set other than the first?
• How do I choose between the different cross-validation leave-out options?
• How do I cite/reference Eigenvector?
• How do I interpret the ROC curves and Sensitivity / Specificity plots from
• How do I make a DataSet backwards compatible?
• How do I obtain or use a recompilation license for PLS_Toolbox?
• How do I use the "custom" cross-validation option?
• How is the prediction probability and threshold calculated for PLSDA?
• I keep getting "out of memory" errors when analyzing my data. What can I do?
• I keep getting an error with Plotgui "Unrecognized Property or Mode Keyword
'functionname'". What should I do?
• Nonnegativity (PARAFAC, PARAFAC2, Tucker): Why do I get negative scores when all
modes are set to nonnegativity?
• Some of the items in my plots and figures don't appear correctly or are cutoff
by the figure.
• The toolbar buttons in the Analysis figure don't show up correctly after I
update to Matlab R2006a. What can I do?
• What are "Relative Contributions"?
• What are the "Reduced" T^2 and Q Statistics?
• What are the units used for RMSEC and RMSECV when cross-validating PLSDA
Why do the cross-validation curves look strange for PLSDA?
• What can I do if I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error?
• What do the four Fit/Unique Fit statistics mean in MCR and PARAFAC models?
• What internal tests are used to select "suggested" number of PCs?
• What is PLS1 vs PLS2 and how do I create separate PLS1 models when I have a
multi-column y-block?
• What is the difference between a loading and a weighting?
• Why are some axis labels and titles on my axes upside-down when I'm viewing
images in MIA_Toolbox?
• Why can't I recompile the PLS_Toolbox functions?
• Why do I get the warning/notice "Missing Data Found - Replacing with "best
guess" from existing model. Results may be affected by this action."
• Why does PLS_Toolbox have a "boxplot" function that conflicts with the Mathworks
Statistics Toolbox function of the same name?
• Why does R2014b give me "Error using matlab.ui.Figure... Cannot convert double
value to a handle" (or similar)?
• Why is the confidence limit on scores different in PLS_Toolbox after version
Topic: Manual
• After I upgraded PLS_Toolbox, my scripts which used MCR no longer work.
• Do I have to specify all the options to a function or only the ones that are
different from the defaults?
• How are the Q-residuals and Hotelling's T^2 (T2) values calculated
for PLS models?
• How do I automate PCA analysis for multiple images?
• How do I calculate my own T2 and Q limits?
• How do I calculate scores from a PLS or PLSDA model?
• How do I change the default options for a function?
• How do I interpret the Misclassification results reported by crossval?
• How do I make PlotGUI send its plot to a new figure and not overwrite the
current figure?
• How do I make the plotscores commands shown at the end of the VARIMAX demo work?
• How do I manually calculate the limits for scores?
• How do I retrieve and display predictions from a model structure in the command
• How do I specify all options on the same line that contains the call to a
• How do I use specific known pure component spectra with MCR (Multivariate Curve
• How does PCA cross-validation work in PLS_Toolbox and Solo and how do I set up
the command-line options to best use it?
• I get an error message when I run NCROSSVAL which says that it can not find
NPROCESS or that there are too many inputs into NPREPROCESS
• I get an error message when I use plotscores with a scores matrix.
• Where do I find a description of the parafac2 constraints?
• Where do I find the regression vector (B) and regression intercept
(B0) for a PLS or PCR model?
• Where is the conpred1 function?
• Why do I get an error saying "Too Many Output Arguments" when using the
Mathworks' Neural Networks interface?
• Why do I get different cross-validation results from the command-line crossval
routine compared to the Analysis window?
• Why do I get different results when I preprocess before doing my
cross-validation vs. doing preprocessing inside crossval?
• Why does the PCAENGINE change the sign of the loadings returned by SVD?
• Why is my model built using command line functions different from the same one I
built in Analysis GUI?
Topic: GUI
• The example on page 14 of the PLS_Toolbox manual (loading labels into the
DECOMPOSE GUI) gives the error "Number of rows must = number of columns of
loaded data - no labels loaded"?
• What kind of training material comes with a PLS_Toolbox or Solo license?
• Where can I find the current manual?
• Where can I find the electronic version of the documentation?
• Why can't I make the MCR example on page 92 of the PLS_Toolbox manual work?
Topic: Installation
• After I make a selection in IMAGEGUI or PLOTGUI, some of the menus disappear.
• How do I add confidence ellipses around groups of samples?
• How do I add my own preprocessing methods to the Preprocess GUI?
• How do I change the default plots created by the Scores button in the Analysis
• How do I change the font size for all labels on a plot (at once)?
• How do I change the limit on how many rows or columns I can access in a plot
(Plot Controls)?
• How do I enable the PLS, PCR and/or SIMCA analysis methods in the Analysis GUI?
• How do I export PCA, PLS or PCR predictions or scores to a text file or another
• How do I limit my analysis to a sub-range of the variables in my data?
• How do I load labels, classes or an axisscale for my data in the Analysis GUI?
• How do I make a prediction on new data using the Analysis or Regression GUI?
• How do I see and/or include more than 20 factors in a PLS or PCR model when
using Analysis GUI?
• How do I view a table of predictions, scores, or other data?
• I am getting out of memory errors when using preprocessing in Analysis GUI - how
do I analyze this data within the GUI?
• I am unable to print scores or loadings plots, or I am unable to print figures
created by PlotGUI.
• I get an error "Too many output arguments" when starting the Analysis GUI (or
• I get an error in PlotGUI "Invalid object handle" (error in plotds with
MIA_Toolbox installed)
• I get the error "no PixelPosition property" when starting Analysis GUI.
• What is the "Figures" window used for and how do I keep all figures in the same
• Why do I get a "no pixel position" error when starting Analysis GUI in
PLS_Toolbox 4.2 with Matlab 7.0.1?
• Why does a cumsum error occurr when replacing missing data in Matlab 6.1 in the
GUI (PCA mode)?
• Why does the "Select" button stay pressed after I make a selection?
+Expand all topics
• "Error using figure UIJ_AreThereWindowShowsPending - timeout waiting for window
to show up"
• Can you describe an easy way to switch from one version of PLS_Toolbox to
• Do any PLS_Toolbox functions conflict with the Mathworks Toolboxes?
• GUIDE (the figure editor) fails in Matlab 7.0 and higher with PLS_Toolbox at the
top of the path
• How do I calculate / verify the MD5 or SHA1 hashes on a file?
• How do I install PLS_Toolbox on two different versions of Matlab?
• How do I install multiple Eigenvector products?
• How do I switch from a demo version of PLS_Toolbox or Solo to install and use a
new purchased version?
• How do I use PLS_Toolbox or Solo with a license server when I don't have access
to the network?
• How is PLS_Toolbox installed with a network copy (site-license) of Matlab?
• I bought a copy of PLS_Toolbox but I am getting warnings about the license
expiring or my license has expired.
• I get a warning saying the evriio.p file was p-coded from an old MATLAB version.
• I get an "Invalid property found" error when installing, what should I do?
• I get the message "Path cannot be saved" and don't seem to have permission to
write to my 'pathdef.m' file. What can I do to keep from having to install
PLS_Toolbox each time I start Matlab?
• I get warnings for overloaded 'true' and 'false' functions in PLS_Toolbox.
• I loose my floating license if I am inactive in Matlab. How do I keep a license
checked out?
• I ran the PLS_Toolbox installer and a menu asks to start Matlab and run a
script, but Matlab never starts. How do I finish the installation?
• I'm having problems installing and using PLS_Toolbox with Mac OS X.
• I'm having trouble installing Solo on a Mac.
• If we purchase a floating license does the floating license need to be added to
the Matlab floating license, or can it be served by a separate license server?
• Is PLS_Toolbox compatible with Matlab 2010b? What are the warnings I get?
• Is PLS_Toolbox compatible with Matlab 2012b? What are the warnings I get?
• PLS_Toolbox version 3.5.3 doesn't install in Matlab version 6.1 without true.m
and false.m, where can I get them?
• Problems installing PLS_Toolbox on Matlab 7.0.
• Solo fails with "mclstart: Unable to initialize PLS_toolbox library check for
missing plstoolbox.ctf file" or requires re-installation each startup.
• Solo_Predictor gives the error "Error using object. Attempted to access out(1);
index out of bounds because numel(out)=0."
• Some or all of the PLS_Toolbox functions do not work.
• Staring Solo on Fedora Linux I get the message: "SELinux is preventing
.../EVRI_lib" from performing execstack access on a process"
• Trouble downloading, installing, starting, or running Solo.
• What is the version compatibility between PLS_Toolbox and Matlab?
• What's a good way to add or remove PLS_Toolbox from my path?
• What’s the best way to install Solo/PLS_Toolbox in a classroom?
• When installing Solo or other stand-alone I get a warning saying "Could not
write updated MCR_INHIBIT_CTF_LOCK to HKLM"
• When starting Solo I get the message "The application has failed to start
because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect."
• Why am I unable to make changes to the path in MATLAB on Windows 7?
• Why do I get "attempt to run script as a function" errors after I install
• Why do I get an error "Missing operator, comma, semicolon, or white space."
installing the toolbox?
• Why do I get an error that my license code is not valid?
• Why do I get the error "Reference to non-existent field 'nobs'"?
• Why do I have to reenter my license code every time I start?
• Why do I need to run EVRIINSTALL when installing PLS_Toolbox?
• Why does my floating license return the error "License server cannot be run on
the same computer as this application" (or code -3) when I try to check out a
• Why is the PLS_Toolbox help information not available in my Matlab help window?