The following resources provide lots of helpful information for our software users as well as those interested in
learning more about EVRI. There is always something new going on at EVRI. To keep up with the latest developments,
or to be included in special events and promotions, please drop us a line at
The View from Eigenvector: EVRI's blog, where we post news of interest, comments on developments in chemometrics,
news for our users, op-ed pieces, etc. Stop by and see how things look from here!
White Papers: Curious about ways people are using Eigenvector Research software products? These briefs give some examples of how
folks are putting our tools to work for them.
Data Sets: Eigenvector has several data sets available for download FREE. Use to test your algorithms or to become familiar with
new software with known data.
EigenGuides: Educational and informative Flash and Quicktime videos.
Documentation WIKI: These documents contain the user guides and reference manuals for various Eigenvector Research software products.
MATLAB User Area: This area is dedicated to scientists, engineers and others who use the power of MATLAB to solve data analysis problems every day.