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    I bought a copy of PLS_Toolbox but I am getting warnings about the license expiring or my license has expired.

Possible Solutions:

    When you bought your license, you were not issued a full license (either because you chose to be invoiced, or because you were at an academic institution and we needed to verify that you were, in fact, eligible for our academic pricing).

    After the invoice is paid, or we have verified your academic status, you need to download the full, unexpiring version of the toolbox and provide it a new license code. To do this, you need to log into your Eigenvector Research account (click on the "Users" tab at the top of this page). Once you have logged in, do the following:

    1) Select and download the appropriate product(s).
    2) Make a note of the new license code (noted next to the product)

    NOTE: if you see a "restricted download" note just below the license code, this means the restriction has not yet been released. Please contact our sales staff at: sales@eigenvector.com.

    Install the full version and provide the new license code when requested.

    If you are not asked to provide the new code, follow the directions below:

    PLS_Toolbox Users
    Go to the Matlab command line and type:
    and you will be prompted for the new code.

    Solo Users
    Go to the "Help" menu of the Workspace Browser window or Analysis window, and choose "Reset License". You will be prompted for the new code.

    keywords: expire, expired, expiring, purchase

Still having problems? Check our documentation Wiki or try writing our helpdesk at helpdesk@eigenvector.com