Support Information
Documentation Wiki - Most of our documentation is located on-line in our Wiki.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Our technical FAQ gives solutions to many common problems. The FAQ can be found here.
Eigenguide Movies - A number of techincal "getting started" EigenGuide movies can be viewed on-line here.
Contacting Us for Support:
E-mail - Reach our technical support team for fast, customized support for any Eigenvector Research software product by writing to
Orders/Invoices Support - To recieve help regarding an order you have placed or want to place, or other information regarding sales, contact our sales team at
FAX -You can FAX us a question to 509-662-9214. You must include with your question your name, contact information (e-mail address or FAX number) the product you are asking about and your Eigenvector Research username or serial number.
Phone Support - Except for consulting clients and clients of our extended support program, we do NOT do phone support for our software packages. For information regarding extended support, please contact Eigenvector Research at: