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    Why does the "Select" button stay pressed after I make a selection?

Possible Solutions:

    In version 6.5 of Solo and PLS_Toolbox, the Plot Controls introduced a feature that allows you to make selections repeatedly without having to re-press the "Select" button (or toolbar button) after each selection.

    Instead, once a selection is made, the figure stays in the selection mode and you can make a new selection (or add to - via Shift-click - or subtract from - via Control-click - the current selection) by simply clicking inside the axes and dragging again. Clicking the Select button again, or pressing the [Esc] key will turn off selection mode.

    If you wish to DISABLE this feature entirely and return to the traditional behavior of pressing the select button before each selection, use one of these two methods:


    Use the following command at the Matlab command line:

    Solo & PLS_Toolbox

    1. In the Workspace Browser or the Analysis Window, use the Edit > Preferences > Preferences (Expert) menu option to open the Preferences Expert window

    2. Enter "plotgui" in the Function Name field, "selectpersistent" in the Option Name field, and "0" (zero) in the Override Value field

    3. click "Set"

    4. click "OK"

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