FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Is PLS_Toolbox compatible with Matlab 2012b? What are the warnings I get?
Possible Solutions:
New Warning:
For versions of PLS_Toolbox 6.7 and earlier, a warning may appear in Matlab 2012b for depreciated use of a Java HG property. These warning can be ignored and turned off. The warning will not appear in future versions of PLS_Toolbox.
To turn the warning off, use the following command:
You may want to put this code into a startup file so you don't need to run the command each time you restart Matlab.
Help System:
The location of Help from the Matlab Help System makes it more difficult to find Help pages. To access Eigenvector help files click on the Supplemental Software link at the bottom of the page. For more information see here.
Start Button:
Also note that the Start button no longer exists in Matlab so to start the main PLS_Toolbox interface run the following command at the Matlab command line:
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