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    I get an error in PlotGUI "Invalid object handle" (error in plotds with MIA_Toolbox installed)

Possible Solutions:

    If the message you are receiving has the error fingerprint (run the Matlab command: evrireporterror to get the error fingerprint):
     message = 'Error using ==> setappdataInvalid object handle';
     identifier = 'MATLAB:hg:dt_conv:Matrix_to_HObject:BadHandle';
     stack(1,1).file = 'C:\(path to PLS_Toolbox)\plotgui.m';
     stack(1,1).name = 'plotds';
     stack(1,1).line = 5380;

    Then your problem is that you have an older version of MIA_Toolbox (1.0.x) and a newer version of PLS_Toolbox (5.5 or later). The older version of MIA_Toolbox is not completely compatible with later versions of PLS_Toolbox.

    To solve the problem, you must do one of these three things:

    1) upgrade your MIA_Toolbox to 2.0
    2) remove MIA_Toolbox from your path
    3) replace the "histcontrast.m" function in MIA_Toolbox with the file located here:
    Right-click this link and save it to your computer. Then, copy the file onto your Matlab path into any folder above the MIA_Toolbox folder OR directly into your MIA_Toolbox folder, overwriting the existing histcontrast.m function. This file will disable the histogram contrast functionality of PlotGUI but solve the incompatibility problem.

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