FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I switch from a demo version of PLS_Toolbox or Solo to install and use a new purchased version?
Possible Solutions:
If you had a demo of PLS_Toolbox or MIA_Toolbox and have now purchased a full license then you should download and install the full version because:
1. The demo will expire soon and stop working, and
2. The full purchased copy includes the source m-files while the demo only includes obfuscated .p source files.
You can download either the .exe or the .zip PLS_Toolbox installer by logging in to your Eigenvector account and clicking on the "Download" tab, then click on the "Download" button next to PLS_Toolbox or MIA_Toolbox and on the next page choose between the .exe or .zip installer.
If you download the .exe installer you should follow the instructions at Using the Windows EXE Installer
If you download the .zip installer then follow the instructions at Manuallly Installing from ZIP File
The two installers differ only in the .exe handles unpacking the zip file of source code and opens a wizard to guide you through choosing where to install the source files and then running the install script.
Important notes:
1. If you use the .exe installer then you do not need to worry about the existing installed demo source files.
This installer will install its source files into a new folder in your Matlab's "toolbox" folder by default, and delete the previous demo source files automatically. For example, for Matlab version R2014b and PLS_Toolbox version 7.9 this would be like: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\PLS_Toolbox_79
2. If you use the .zip installer then you manually select where to unpack these new source folders. If you unpack it to the same folder as where the demo's p-files were installed then it is important to first delete the demo's folders, otherwise the p-files will still be there and will be used preferentially over the m-files)
3. Be sure to use the new license code. The new purchased license will have a different license code from the old demo, and you will need to enter this new code when prompted for it during the installation process.
4. For Solo or Solo+MIA switching from a demo to a purchased version is simpler because it is a stand-alone product and there are no Matlab source files involved. If your new purchased Solo/Solo+MIA is for a newer version than your demo then you should download and install the current latest version. If your demo has the same version as the current latest version then you simply switch to using the new license code. You can enter a new code using the "Help" > "Reset License" menu in the Solo Workspace Browser.
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