About Eigenvector Research, Inc.

Our Mission

Provide advanced chemometrics tools and support for a wide variety of industries.

Our Goal

Be your complete source for state-of-the-art chemometrics tools and know-how.

Our Strategy

Enlist the best possible team of chemometrics research, consulting, and software development scientists and engineers to create superior data analysis options that apply modern multivariate statistical methods to your data while keeping a firm grasp on the underlying chemical, physical and biological aspects of the system.

EVRI Associates

Our associates program facilitates one-stop access to the best chemometrics talent worldwide, equipping EVRI with exactly the right expertise to fulfill your needs. Each of our associates is a world leader in his field. Our current associates include:

Rasmus Bro, multi-way analysis
• Don Dahlberg, chemometrics education, food products analysis

For more information about Eigenvector Associates, please contact Barry M. Wise.

EVRI Co-Founders

Barry M. Wise, Ph.D.,
President and Founding Partner, creator of PLS_Toolbox

Specialty: Consulting, short course instruction, research, product development
Neal B. Gallagher, Ph.D.
Vice-President and Founding Partner,
co-author of PLS_Toolbox

Specialty: Consulting, short course instruction, research, product development

EVRI Technical Staff

Bob Roginski, Ph.D.,
Lead Consultant and Chief of Online Applications

Specialty: Consulting, short course development, model deployment and product development
R. Scott Koch,
Senior Software Engineer

Specialty: Software management, interface and database design
Willem Windig, Ph.D.,
Chief Eigenspectroscopist

Specialty: Curve resolution (e.g. SIMPLISMA, DECRA, CODA) and GC/LC-MC
Donal O’Sullivan, Ph.D.,
Senior Software Developer

Specialty: A diverse background ranging from atmospheric science to bio-software development
Clare Wise
Marketing & Engineering Intern

Specialty: Skiing
Manuel Palacios, Ph.D
Data Scientist