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Some of the items in my plots and figures don't appear correctly or are cutoff by the figure.
Possible Solutions:
This problem can occur when a figure (plot) is first rendered, when a figure is "moused-over", and or when a toolbar is added/removed.
The problem appears to be with Matlab and the MS Windows system Display Properties.
To recreate the behavior with toolbar add/remove:
>> figure;
>> set(1,'toolbar','figure'); drawnow; set(1,'toolbar','none'); drawnow;
>> set(1,'toolbar','figure'); drawnow; set(1,'toolbar','none'); drawnow;
>> set(1,'toolbar','figure'); drawnow; set(1,'toolbar','none'); drawnow;
Executing the above commands cause the figure to slightly grow or shrink depending on the state of your display settings.
To fix the problem try variations of the steps below.
1) Start Matlab.
2) Open Windows Display Properties (right click on your desktop and select 'properties')
3) Under the 'Appearance' tab, change the "Windows and buttons:" drop-down menu from its current setting to the next (e.g. "Windows XP style" to "Windows Classic style").
4) Click "Apply"
5) Change the "Windows and buttons:" selection back to its original setting.
6) Click "Apply" and close the window.
7) Restart Matlab.
Try the code above to confirm the problem is gone. If it's not, try varying the point at which you restart Matlab (in the above steps) in order to get it to recognize the Window style.
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