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    Why do I get a "no pixel position" error when starting Analysis GUI in PLS_Toolbox 4.2 with Matlab 7.0.1?

Possible Solutions:

    Users with early versions of Matlab 7.0 see errors related to the 'evritree' function similar to (and starting with)
    ??? There is no 'PixelPosition' property in the 'com.mathworks.hg.peer.UITreePeer' class.

    This is a problem with the way these older versions (7.0.0 and 7.0.1) of Matlab implement Java. There are two options:

    1) Turning off the Model Cache Viewer will stop the errors:
    setplspref analysis defaultcacheview hide

    2) Matlab 7.0.4 fixes the Java problems and was a free upgrade for Matlab 7.0. We suggest you upgrade your Matlab to 7.0.4.

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