Introduction to Hyperspectral/Multivariate Image Analysis
Course Description
Intro to Hyperspectral/Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA) is designed to give the student practical experience. Before the course, students will be sent a precourse reading assignment covering some of the basic background and principles of MIA. The course will start with a brief review of principal components analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) regression and how they are used in image analysis. Additional topics to be covered included multivariate image regression, and preprocessing to capture textural information. Methods to mitigate the effects of background interference, e.g. clutter, will also be discussed. The course includes hands-on computer time for participants to work example problems using PLS_Toolbox and MIA_Toolbox, or Solo+MIA.
MATLAB for Chemometricians, Linear Algebra for Chemometricians, and Chemometrics I--PCA, or equivalent experience.
Course Outline
- Intro to 3-way arrays
Objects and Variables
Example Applications
Structure of Multivariate Images
Comparison to other sources of 3-way data
- Practical Multivariate Image Analysis (MIA)
Review of Principal Components Analysis
Scores, loadings and projections
Unusual samples, residuals and T^2
Matricizing of images
Scores images, loadings
Score/score plots: density
Links between scores space and the image plane
Contrast enhancement
- Multivariate Image Regression analysis (MIR)
Review of regression: MLR/PCR/PLS
Scores, loadings
Image plane and score linking
Cross validation for images
- Preprocessing
Centering and scaling
Smoothing and derivitizing
Scatter correction
- Intro to texture analysis
Finite Fourier Transform (FFT)
SVD Spectrum
Angle Measurement Technique (AMT)
MIR using texture transforms
- Alternatives to PCA/PLS
Multivariate Curve Resolution
PARAFAC on series of images
Classical Least Squares
Positive Matrix Factorization
Generalized Least Squares and decluttering
Extended addition model
Evolving Window Factor Analysis
Target Factor Analysis