MATLAB for Chemometricians

Course Description

MATLAB, a contraction of "Matrix Laboratory", is a great environment for working with large quantities of data such as that found in most chemometric applications. MATLAB for Chemometricians covers the basic MATLAB operations needed to use Eigenvector's chemometrics software, (e.g. PLS_Toolbox). Data import, plotting and getting help are also covered in this half-day course. Students will also learn to write basic scripts and functions, thus opening the door to programming custom routines for data analysis.


Linear Algebra for Chemometricians or equivalent experience.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction
    1. What is MATLAB
    2. History
    3. Versions
  2. Starting MATLAB
    1. The Desktop: Command WIndow, History, Current Folder, Workspace
    2. Help Browser, Editor, Path Tool
  3. The Workspace
    1. Entering data, types of data and the DataSet Object
    2. Simple Command Line operations
  4. Saving, clearing and importing data
  5. Command Line functions and help
    1. Starting and using GUIs
    2. Plotting and graphics
  6. Writing functions and scripts