Managing Data, Models, Plots and Interfaces in PLS_Toolbox
Course Description
PLS_Toolbox has a large code base comprised of many scripts, functions, objects, and files. This course aims to show how to organize, program, and customize PLS_Toolbox. We'll explore the architecture of PLS_Toolbox and it's core DataSet and Model objects. We will show how to control and customize plots as well as other PLS_Toolbox interfaces. Finally, we'll look at how to create reports and publish results.
This course will be useful for users who want to partially or completely automate their data analysis workflow. Users who want to improve their PLS_Toolbox programming and customize interfaces will also get a lot out of this course. Hands-on exercises will be done using MATLAB and PLS_Toolbox.
Linear Algebra for Chemometricians, MATLAB for Chemometricians, Chemometrics I -- PCA, and Chemometrics II - Regression and PLS or equivalent experience.
Course Outline
1.0 Introduction 1.1 Organization of PLS_Toolbox 1.2 Background and History of Models and DataSet Objects (DSOs) 1.3 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 2.0 Managing Data and Models 2.1 DataSet Object Properties and Methods Importing and Exporting Building up a DSO from Multiple Sources 2.2 Preprocessing Basic Usage Developing Custom Methods 2.3 Model Objects Properties and Methods Importing and Exporting 3.0 Plotting 3.1 Useful Plotting Commands 3.2 Customizing Plots 3.3 Customizing Controls 4.0 Controlling Interfaces 4.1 Basic Control of Interfaces 4.2 Customizing Interface Options and Look 5.0 Reporting Results 5.1 Using Report Writer 5.2 Customizing Report Outputs