Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) Workshop
Course Description
You will work directly with your data and learn from others in this all-day workshop. EVRI instructors will provide their hands-on experience with everything from how to import data, include additional information in data and, as time allows, outline paths that reaches the actual data analytical goals. You will also learn important insider tricks on data analysis and MATLAB scripting. You may not get concrete results in this workshop, but this is a rare opportunity to gain invaluable skills, insight and confidence quickly.
This is a hands-on course with limited time. Therefore the outcomes for participants will vary based on how complicated their datasets and goals are. To get more out of the workshop, we strongly suggest you bring a representative subset of your data if you have a very large dataset. You will also get more out of the class if you prepare clear questions ahead of time. The course is limited to twelve participants.
In order to join this course, you need to send in your data by September 16, 2018. Your data file should be
- in Excel format with no empty rows or columns, although other formats can be accommodated if necessary as long as they can be read by MATLAB.
- less than 10 MB in size.
- cleared for viewing by other workshop participants. Any issues with confidentiality should be cleared or addressed by "greeking" the data so that confidential information is obscured.
Submit your data and a brief description of your goals and questions to
Chemometrics I - PCA and Chemometrics II - Regression and PLS or equivalent experience.