Social Program
Abstract Submission
Venue & Lodging
Key Dates

CAC-2002 Invitation

The organizers of CAC-2002 invite you to join us in Seattle, USA for the Eighth Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry Conference. Following the tradition of the preceding CAC conferences, emphasis will be on new developments and applications of chemometrics in analytical chemistry. We hope to provide you with an interesting scientific program and to organize a conference that will stimulate the exchange and collaboration between chemometricians and analytical chemists. Your active participation and contributions are highly appreciated.We also hope that you will enjoy the many attractions of Seattle.

Call for Papers

The call for oral contributions is now closed (deadline was April 15, 2002). As of April 24, we have received approximately 110 abstracts. Poster contributions can still be made, but will be accepted on a space available basis. To submit your (~300 word) poster abstract via the abstract submission page. The poster session will be an integral and important part of the conference program.

Authors are encouraged to submit their work (oral or poster presentation) as manuscripts for consideration for publishing in a special issue of Analytica Chimica Acta. These papers will go through regular peer review process.